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Supercomputing Frontiers Europe 2019

14th July, 2021

On July 19th, Supercomputing Frontiers Europe 2021 – the 7th edition of the international conference

On July 19th, Supercomputing Frontiers Europe 2021 – the 7th edition of the international conference will not only break geographical barriers with segments like ‘Focus on India’ and ‘Focus on Africa’, but also cross the frontier of merging Cloud and HPC.



The Interdisciplinary Center for Mathematical and Computational Modeling (ICM), University of Warsaw invites all HPC (High Performance Computing) enthusiasts to participate in the 7th edition of Supercomputing Frontiers Europe 2021 [19-23 July].



The fully virtual and free event includes presentations and lectures by world-renowned scientists, entrepreneurs and HPC, AI and quantum computing specialists. Over 40 invited speakers from Europe, Africa, United States and Asia will take part in 15 thematic blocks; we will also learn about large-scale computing initiatives in India and Africa. The conference will have a networking zone and free workshops by Lenovo, Huawei, Systems Boiology Institute Tokyo (text mining – Taxila), Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center (QCG middleware) and ICM (data visualization – VisNow).

Link to FREE registration for SCFE21:

Over 1000 people from 67 countries around the world participated in the previous SCFE conference. Since 2018, the organiser of the European edition of Supercomputing Frontiers is the Interdisciplinary Center for Mathematical and Computational Modeling (ICM) of the University of Warsaw. In 2015-2017, the event took place in Singapore, from where it was moved to Warsaw by Dr. Marek Michalewicz, then managing director of A * STAR Computational Resource Center (A * CRC), currently Director of ICM, University of Warsaw.

Supercomputing Frontiers Europe 2021 has been granted Honorary Patronage by:

  • Ministry of Economic Development, Labour and Technology
  • Digital Affairs – Chancellery of the Prime Minister
  • Rector of the University of Warsaw
  • The National Centre for Research and Development
  • National Information Processing Institute (OPI)
  • Center for Advanced Systems Understanding (CASUS).

Polish media partners are ITwiz and Forum Akademickie. Worldwide media partners: HPC Wire, Datanami, Enterprise AI, HPC Wire Japan, Inside HPC and Intersect 360 Research, This Week in HPC. Supercomputing Frontiers Europe parnters with ISC High Performance (the biggest HPC event in Europe), Quantum AI Foundation (Warsaw Quantum Computing Group meetings organiser) and RISC-V (a free and open ISA enabling a new era of processor innovation through open standard collaboration).


DAY 1 – July 19th (1:40pm-8:35pm CEST)

  • European Initiatives [CASUS, EuroHPC JU, LUMI, FF4EuroHPC, LRZ, European Processor Initiative]
  • African Initiatives [University of Botswana- Developments in African Cyber-infrastructure to Support Open Science & Open Data]
  • US perspective [Los Alamos National Laboratory- The Enduring Role of HPC: Advancing Science and Engineering]
  • Industry perspective [Roundtable pannel on Industry trends for HPC and AI with Addison Snell]


DAY 2 – July 20th (2:00pm-8:30pm CEST)

  • Meteo [Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), India; South African Weather Service; Centre of Numerical Weather Prediction at Institute of Meteorology and Water Management]
  • Material [The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, India; University of Limpopo, South Africa]
  • HPC&Cloud [Argonne National Lab; UberCloud; Rescale; RONIN]


DAY 3 – July 21st (2:00pm-9:25pm CEST)

  • Software [University of Delaware; NAG]
  • Hardware [AMD- Supercomputing on Azure Powered By AMD EPYC; Xilinx- The future of FPGA in Supercomputing – where is it heading, what are the prospects]
  • Quantum Computing [D-Wave- What a Computational Performance Advantage Means for the Future of Practical Quantum Computing]
  • Genomics [BRECA- A review of computational data science applications in Uganda; Lenovo- Scalable Architectures for Genomics Analytics]
  • I/O, storage, interconnects [DDN- Taking a closer look at AI I/O; Cornelis Networks]


DAY 4 and 5 – July 22-23

  • Free workshops performed by SCFE21 guests and sponsors


Register here:

To check out full agenda go here: