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Supercomputing Frontiers Europe 2019

 Keynote Speaker  Invited Speaker  Sponsors
Day 1 | Monday, March 11
8:00 — 9:00 Registration
9:00 — 9:05 Opening Remarks from the Organiser
Marek Michalewicz, ICM UW, Poland
Opening Chair: Marek Michalewicz
9:05 — 9:15 Welcome Address
Rector UW, His Magnificence Prof. Marcin Pałys
9:15 — 9:25 Welcome Address
Ministry of Science and Higher Education
9:25 — 10:35 Advanced Computing at NASA
Rupak Biswas, NASA Ames Research Center, USA
10:35 — 10:45 Supercomputing invaders: Advances of Warsaw Team in Student Cluster Competitions around the world
Warsaw Team, University of Warsaw, Poland
Supercomputing Education
10:45 — 10:55 Building a quantum computing awareness
Paweł Góra, University of Warsaw, Poland
10:55 — 11:15 Break
11:15 — 12:00 Supercomputing and AI: Impact and Opportunities
Anne C. Elster, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Supercomputing and AI Chair: 
12:00 — 12:30 AI at scale with Cray Urika-XC – Recent achievements and future perspectives
Alessandro Rigazzi, Cray Inc.
12:30 — 13:00 New Technologies Needed for HPC, Exascale, AI
Bill Mannel, Vice President & General Manager, HPC & AI Solutions Segment, Hewlett Packard Enterprise
13:00 — 13:50 Lunch
13:50 — 14:35 Uncertainty at the Exa-Scale: the development of validated multi-scale workflows that quantify uncertainty to produce actionable results
David Coster, Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Germany
14:35 — 14:50 Time dependent density functional theory and supercomputing: new prospects for modelling superfudity in neutron stars
Gabriel Wlazłowski, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Applications Chair: Jacek Majewski
14:50 — 15:05 Supercomputing with FPGAs
Grzegorz Korcyl and Piotr Korcyl, Jagiellonian University, Poland
15:05 — 15:20 Application of the Approximate Bayesian Computation to create the data-consistent model of the Forbush decrease of galactic cosmic ray intensity
Anna Wawrzyńczak-Szaban et al., Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities, Poland
15:20 — 15:35 Impact of WC/Co/diamond sample with peridynamics (view abstract)
Eligiusz Postek et al., Institute of Fundamental Technological Research Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
15:35 — 15:55 Break
15:55 — 16:20 Sol: Transparent Neural Network Acceleration
Nicolas Weber, NEC Research Laboratories
16:20 — 17:05 Chemistry with supercomputers
Wojciech Grochala, University of Warsaw, Poland
Applications Chair: 
17:05 — 17:20 Atomistic spin model simulations of magnetic properties of ferromagnetic (Ga,Mn)N layers
Dariusz Sztenkiel et al., Institute of Physics Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
17:20 — 17:35 Spin-spin magnetic interactions from high-level Density Functional Theory calculations
Dominik Kurzydłowski and Wojciech Grochala
17:35 — 17:50 Simulating Incompressible Fluid Mechanical Equations with Fourier Spectral Methods
Brandon Cloutier et al., University of Michigan, USA
17:50 — 18:05 Towards convection-resolving Numerical Weather Prediction on GPUs
Zbigniew Piotrowski et al., Institute of Meteorology and Water Management, Poland

 Keynote Speaker  Invited Speaker  Sponsors
Day 2 | Tuesday, March 12
8:00 — 9:00 Registration
9:00 — 10:10 Memristor – Rememberence of things past
Leon Chua, University of California Berkeley, USA
Architectures Chair: Krzysztof Kurek
10:10 — 10:55 “In-Memory Computing”: Accelerating AI Applications
Evangelos Eleftheriou, IBM Research Labs Zurich, Switzerland
10:55 — 11:15 Break
11:15 — 12:00 Optical Interconnect Technology
Alex Wright-Gladstein, Ayar Labs, USA
Interconnects Chair: 
12:00 — 12:30 In-Network Computing: Introduction to Programmable Networks
Sebastian Kalcher, Mellanox
12:30 — 13:15 Data forever – myth or reality? Understanding the fundamental economics of data that enables you to store and access every piece of data forever
Mark Lucas, Technologist Enterprise Engineering Western Digital
13:15 — 14:15 Lunch
14:15 — 15:00 Studying brain structure and function through detailed computational modelling and topological analysis
Michael Reiman, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland
Computation Biology Chair: Joanna Sułkowska
15:00 — 15:45 Computational Challanges in understanding the structure and function of the microbiome
Tomasz Kosciolek, University of California San Diego, USA
15:45 — 16:25 Sequence Similarity Search for Large-scale Metagenomic Data using Liquid Immersion Cooling Supercomputer
Yoshinori Kimura, Infinite Curation, Japan
16:25 — 16:45 Break
16:45 — 17:00 The effect of crowded environment on the dynamics of the hepatitis C virus protease NS3/4a
Natalia Ostrowska, Michael Feig and Joanna Trylska
Computational Biology Chair: Piotr Bała
17:00 — 17:15 Transport of vitamin B12 through the outer membrane protein BtuB in E.coli
Tomasz Pieńko and Joanna Trylska, University of Warsaw, Poland
17:15 — 17:30 SimRNA: a coarse-grained method for RNA folding simulations and 3D structure prediction
Michał Boniecki et al., International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Warsaw, Poland
17:30 — 17:45 Supercomputing and causality analysis for a better understanding of the dynamic and functional properties of complex (bio)molecular systems
Bogdan Lesyng, Mossakowski Medical Research Centre Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland

 Keynote Speaker  Invited Speaker  Sponsors
Day 3 | Wednesday, March 13
8:00 — 9:00 Registration
9:00 — 10:10 Exascale Supercomputing
Paul Messina, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Chair: Jacek Kitowski
10:10 — 10:55 Why Topology is Necessary at Exascale – And Why it’s Not Easy
Hamish Carr, University of Leeds, UK
10:55 — 11:15 Break
11:15 — 12:00 Extreme Scale Graphs
Torsten Hoefler, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Chair: Łukasz Szustak
12:00 — 12:30 Data-driven design process for deep learning HW
Maksymilian Bubula and Grzegorz Opoka, Intel
12:30 — 12:45 Software Product Lines and Exascale Stencils
Muniyappa Manjunathaiah, University of Hertfordshire
Computational Stencils
12:45 — 13:00 Performance Limits Study of Stencil Codes on Modern GPGPUs
Ilya Pershin and Vadim Levchenko
13:00 — 14:00 Lunch
14:00 — 15:05 Infrastructural and virtualization aspects of HPC solutions.
Neptune: Or how to optimize energy consumption and performance for HPC Solutions
Rick Koopman, Lenovo
Chair: Jerzy Proficz
15:05 — 15:20 Evaluation of the DASH implementation of the HPCG Benchmark
Daniel Rubio Bonilla and Jose Gracia, High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart
15:20 — 15:35 HPC processors benchmarking assessment for Global System Science applications
Damian Kaliszan et al., Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center, Poland
15:35 — 15:55 Break
15:55 — 16:40 What’s the next step of accelerated supercomputing?
Taisuke Boku, University of Tsukuba, Japan
16:40 — 16:55 Implementation of a RISC-V-Conform Fused Multiply-Add Floating-Point Unit
Felix Kaiser et al., Heidelberg University, Germany
16:55 — 17:25 Get ready for the data deluge: where are we
Jean-Thomas Acquaviva, DDN
17:25 — 17:35 Closing words
Marek Michalewicz, Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computer Modeling (ICM), University of Warsaw, Poland

Day 4, Tutorials at University of Warsaw Library | Thursday, March 14
9:00 — 9:30 Registration / Morning Coffee
9:30 — 11:00 Tutorials
11:00 — 11:30 Break
11:30 — 13:00 Tutorials continued
13:00 — 14:00 Lunch

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